A pearl on the west coast of Sardinia.

Known for its wild lands and its huge archaeological heritage, the Sinis Peninsula is the ideal setting for snorkeling and diving lovers, but also for those who look for calm and uncrowded beaches. Within the Marine Protected Area "Penisola del Sinis - Isola di mal di Ventre", the whole area within the municipality of Cabras is particularly preserved and controlled, in order to safeguard a territory so precious and unique in its kind.


Incidunt et vero consequatur laboriosam asperiores tenetur nihil saepe

Protected and preserved by the Marine Protected Area, the beaches are characterised by the so-called "rice grains" or "quartz grains". The origin of this type of sand dates back to about 600 million years ago, when a continuous process of erosion of the granite rocks of the Island of Mal di Ventre began. Today, thanks to this natural evolution, we can admire the peaceful white beaches of Is Arutas, Mari Ermi and Maimoni.


A journey through the archaeology of the Sinis Peninsula.

The Civic Museum "Giovanni Marongiu" is situated in Cabras, in one of its main streets, Via Tharros, and contains the vast historical and archaeological heritage of the Sinis Peninsula. From the site of Cuccuru is Arrius to the archaeological site of Tharros, passing by the famous statues of Mont 'e Prama, stone giants dated probably at the end of the Nuragic age and depicting archers, warriors and pugilists, we go to discover the ancient history of the territory of Cabras.


Between culture, flavors and tradition.

The history of the town of Cabras begins with the abandonment of the city of Tharros, around 1070 A.D., when the people who lived in the Sinis Peninsula moved and settled inland. Cabras was one of the first new villas (called Biddas in Sardinian language) and its first name was Masone de Capras (literally goat barn). Set on the shores of the pond of Mar 'e Pontis, the town has always been known for the richness of its lagoons and for the famous bottarga di muggine (salted mullet-roe), boasting a strong cultural identity throughout Sardinia. The town of Cabras is well known for one of the most important annual events Sardinia, the so called Corsa degli Scalzi (in English Barefoot Run).


An ancient fishing place.

The Fishery of Mare 'e Pontis is located a few kilometers from the town of Cabras. Among the buildings, built between 1600 and 1700 and fallen into disuse, stands out on Poatziu, the palace, the place of residence of the sovereign of ponds, the ancient warehouses and all the facilities used to capture and sell fish.

The fishery is located in the center of a network of canals which from the pond of Mar ' e Pontis lead to the open sea, for this reason the waters are brackish, perfect for the liveability of some fish species.


MON - SUN | 10 AM - 4 PM

San Giovanni di Sinis

Cabras (OR) 09072

P. IVA 01132640952
